The Highmark Homes story begins with Bob Hunt who began building in Tauranga in the 1960s. Through his company he built over 5,000 homes and has more than 50 years of experience in residential construction, marketing and business in the building industry.
At Highmark Homes, we build homes we’re proud of. With our long experience in New Zealand we understand the unique challenges our environment provides. We have teams of home builders across Auckland – Rodney and Franklin areas, Tauranga, Wairarapa, Hutt Valley and Dunedin. All of our teams are Registered Master Builders. Master Builders must meet high quality standards including building experience, trade and professional qualifications, on-site management experience, workmanship and financial stability.
We place a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction (read our testimonials), striving to deliver the home you want, on time and on budget. This approach has helped us develop a reputation as the home builders New Zealand can trust.
We provide assistance across the entire house building process and we are also happy to help you find the perfect piece of land, matching it to a house plan you love, or provide you with a house and land package in a great location. We offer complete customisation for your home, designing every detail to match your needs.
For more information, contact us or give your local branch a call today: Rodney, Franklin, Tauranga, Wairarapa, Hutt Valley, Dunedin. We also have a range of show homes NZ wide showcasing the type of quality we can provide.
Help you find a site or optimise the value from your existing site.
Work with a qualified builder who lives in and supports your community
Design the house of your dreams, or choose from one of our pre-approved designs.